That was our week, that was # 14

What a busy start to 2012! It's been pretty full on since we returned to the office, so here we are with another blog post telling you what we've been up to, both in and out of the studio. Happily for all, Paul has been out more than he's been in (!) meeting with clients old and new. By the time you read this he'll be wandering round (sorry, working at) the Autosport Show at the NEC with our good friend James Pickford. Nice work if you can get it...

Away from fast machines, and onto slightly slower ones. Regular readers of our blog will recall certain members of the Ingenious team were planning to return to mountain biking. Well, surprisingly, this has actually happened, with the good Mr H leading the "charge".

The Middlewood Way has been selected as a 'training route' and you can often find Macclesfield's leading creative team (plus Paul) charging up and down it. Below is photographic evidence to support the claim, and furthermore we can confirm the new bike is slightly less clean now than it appears here, so it's been used more than once. Aches and pains have been fairly minimal, so much so that a foolhardy plan to take part in a cycle ride from Manchester to Liverpool has been hatched. More news nearer the time, but if anyone wants to join in and / or sponsor the attempt (the event raises money for the NSPCC) then let us know. Click here for more info.


Returning to our work, we're pleased to report that our key clients are keeping us busy, and before long, we'll be able to reveal new work for Manchester Business School, Cheadle Hulme School and Leacy Classics, to name but three. The latter involves some really nice packaging for their 'premium' range of classic car accessories, and follows on from the new advertising we implemented towards the end of last year.

Leacy 7
Leacy 7

We're also working on a piece of self promotion, which as you might imagine, is always a tricky brief. Plus, it's always the first thing to get parked when we get busy! Cobbler's shoes syndrome, apparently. Nevertheless, we're scheduled to get it ready by the end of Feb, so if you'd like a copy (it's a good old fashioned piece of print, this time!) just drop us a line.

Lastly for now, we've been working with Macclesfield's Barnaby Festival recently, and before the end of the month we'll be presenting our concepts for the 2012 event to them. This project has almost exclusively been handled by our very own Louise Murphy who has been a long time "Barnabist" (is that even a word?) even before her time with Ingenious. That passion and enthusiasm shows in the lovely ideas she's come up with. We're all looking forward to seeing what the client thinks. Well done Lou!

Weekly UpdatePaul Hartley