Being Port Sunlight - A Village's Response to Lockdown

We were recently appointed by long-standing client Port Sunlight Village Trust to design a new exhibition, showcasing the personal experiences of Port Sunlight’s community during the Covid-19 global pandemic. Being Port Sunlight - A Village’s Response to Lockdown is the result.

The Covid-19 pandemic has redefined how we live and work, what we value, and how we interact with one another. The "Be Port Sunlight" Collecting Project invited Port Sunlight’s residents, businesses, groups and communities to share photographs and videos that represented their experiences during 2020 and 2021. The resulting record of one community’s response to the events that have - and will continue to - shape our lives in 2020 and beyond was first turned into a website featuring wonderful imagery by photographer and Port Sunlight resident Scott Woolley before the Village trust appointed curator Jen Kavanagh to provide content and thematic layout for our exhibition. We were fortunate to have such great content and people to work with.

Being Port Sunlight in build…

Objects mentioned in the residents' personal stories, were integrated within our layouts alongside the copy and photography, giving the exhibition a real authenticity, capturing the essence of lockdown. Whilst the work was largely wall mounted in the Port Sunlight Church Hall, a venue being used for an exhibition for the first time (at one point this building was the Villages' bakery) we were able to incorporate a central plinth structure to carry a large section of the project. OSB boards were used to convey an improvised, 'hand made' feel to the structure in keeping with many of the lockdown stories. This was dressed with graphics and cube showcases installed. We also created an A/V loop which runs on a screen at the end of the exhibition room.

Being Port Sunlight - A Village’s Response to Lockdown is on display until 19th September, and runs alongside the wonderful 'Box Room' by British artist Tod Hanson.

Paul Hartley