2006 and all that...
2006. Seems like only yesterday. But oh, how things were different. I had no email on my phone and Man City had yet to start ruining football for everyone by winning things. It was also the year we plunged headlong into running a business. And so Ingenious was born. In a relentlessly forward-thinking industry such as ours it feels a bit self-indulgent to make too much of simply reaching a landmark ‘birthday’, but equally we can’t let the occasion pass without giving it a very brief mention.
Sadly, due to a break in during which some drives were stolen from our first Manchester office, very few photos of those early days exist, (probably just as well!) but there’s more than a few of our more recent times in Macclesfield. We plan to do something with these later in the year, so watch this space. However, going back through the work server we grabbed our first mailer, featuring work for Kids Allowed and Aston University, which is pictured below carrying our very first corporate identity. Ah, takes me back...
As has been said many times before, we’re fortunate indeed to have worked with a great range of clients these last ten years, many of whom were willing to give a startup agency a chance based on little more than a mailer and a phone call. Happily, many of those clients remain with us today, which should hopefully prove that we’ve done something right! To all clients, suppliers and staff past and present, again there’s too many to individually thank here but they know who they are. But thank you.
Right, back to it, there’s new work to be done. Oh, and here’s to the next ten years…