Find out how Ingenious played a part in ‘Activities Week’ at key client Cheadle Hulme School.
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All that's new in the world of Ingenious Creative. New client wins, latest work and our thoughts on the world in general...
Rebranding. Whatever level you’re operating at, whatever the brand or sector, it can be an emotive issue and easy to get wrong. So how do you get it right? We say open your ears well before the sketchbook…
Read MoreGiven the appearance of a photo today of triumphant Manchester United players riding in a Manchester City branded taxi, we’re asking to what extent should sportspeople be brand ambassadors?
Read MoreWhat do brands get out of celebrity endorsements? A well-worn cliché, or do they really add value? Here are our thoughts…
Read MoreHow on earth do client companies create a pitch list? We’ve had a few positive and negative experiences of the pitch process recently. Given our MD’s experience of both sides of the fence, here are his thoughts…
Read MoreAgencies employ many different ways of seeking out new clients. But what works best? Ingenious MD Paul Hartley shares some insight into the world of new business development…
Read MoreIs there any such thing as a bad brief? Or is it just a mutual lack of understanding between client and agency? Here are our thoughts…
Read MoreIt's been quite some time (it feels) since we put a blog post up here, so it's fitting that there's been much going on at Ingenious since the last one.
Read MoreWhat a busy start to 2012! It's been pretty full on since we returned to the office, so here we are with another blog post telling you what we've been up to, both in and out of the studio.
Read MoreThis week has seen us complete most of the projects with pre-holiday deadlines, host clients, suppliers and friends at our annual party, start some studio reshuffles and plan some new year resolutions...
Read MoreIt's the end of another week (well, two actually seeing as we didn't manage a blog last week) and as ever, there's been plenty going on in the world of Ingenious Creative. Where to start? Well, how about some work then...
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